Presbyopia and ready-made eyeglasses

Eleven mistakes, which worsen vision with headaches and migraines and can lead to health adventures… A common but misunderstood condition is presbyopia. Although most people consider it a problem of old age, the difficulty of focusing clearly on nearby objects begins to manifest at the age of 40, while the condition continues to progress until the 60th year, when it stabilizes. It is not difficult to recognize that someone suffers from presbyopia.

The most common symptom is blurred vision when reading, sewing, using smartphones, tablets or during any activity that requires vision at a distance of 35-40 cm. Nevertheless, people with presbyopia often make eleven basic mistakes

1.They choose “ready-made” glasses. They are cheap and are often sold unchecked. Experts sound the alarm: Ready-made glasses are dangerous for vision. Because they are manufactured in mass production, the “readymade” glasses are of one size, i.e. most of the time they have a shape, which is impossible to fit on every face. The optician-optometrist is the one who will help you choose the right one for you and is the one who will apply it to your face. 

2. Presbyopia ready-made glasses have the same correction for both eyes (while usually the prescription is not the same in both eyes).

3.They do not correct astigmatism, which is common in most people.

4.They do not ensure vision from the optical centers of the lenses. That is, the patient’s pupillary distance does not coincide with the distance of the optical centers of the lenses in ready-made presbyopia glasses. For the above reasons they are very likely to cause headaches and fatigue for the eyes.

5.People affected by presbyopia confuse presbyopia with hypermetropia. There are many who confuse the symptoms of presbyopia with those of hypermetropia and avoid seeing an ophthalmologist or optician-optometrist. In both conditions the symptoms are common, since near vision is affected.

6.They also confuse reading glasses with glasses that need to be used in front of computer screens, but these two are made to be used at two different distances.

7. The lenses of cheap ready-made presbyopia glasses are casted and not optically machined and free from optical errors, causing headaches as a result.

8.Dangerous frame materials: Recently, after the appearance of cheap presbyopia glasses, incidents of irritation have been recorded in areas where skin touches the frame (ears, temples, nose and the area around the eyes). That is why the European Union has set new standards (CE)

9. Cheap, ready-made presbyopia glasses have no anti-reflective coating. Today, special antireflective coatings are available in optical stores that absorb the blue light of smart devices (tablets, monitors, smart phones, led lamps). Recent research has shown that blue light (high-energy visible radiation) may be, cumulatively increases the likelihood of maculopathy disease that is not reversible.

10. Often elders borrow the glasses of others. The biggest problem of those who find that  their near vision has begun to decline is perhaps psychological. Most people refuse to wear glasses because they associate presbyopia with aging and they usually borrow other people’s glasses to quickly read a label, instructions for use or news in the newspaper. It is not right to use other people’s glasses even if they have the same degree of presbyopia as yourself, as everyone’s eyes are different and glasses are made based on personal specifications and peculiarities.

11.Presbyopia ready-made glasses keep the patient away from the ophthalmologist and the optician – optometrist. As a result, various diseases, especially those that may occur after one’s fortieth year, cannot be detected and treated in time. (e.g. glaucoma, macular diseases, retinal diseases, etc. which require costly treatments).



Kyriakos Telamitsi

FSLS, FEAOO, IACMM, ISCLS, MGPLI, MEurOK,, MCOA, MHAO BSc Optics-Optometry, Contact lenses Practitioner, Certified International Academy Myopia Management, Specialist Orthokeratologist, Specialty Contact Lens Designer Keratoconus, Presbyopia, Multifocal, Ortho-K, Myopia Management, Dry Eye treatment, Consultant and Trainer. Solo private practice since 1995 160 ELLADOS STR. 3041, LIMASSOL, CYPRUS TEL: +357 25351946, E-MAIL: [email protected]

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