Age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a chronic, progressive condition, the effects of which are irreversible. In the United States of America (USA), an estimated 2,000,000 people have an advanced form of AMD and another 8,000,000 have at least some milder form [2,6]. The exact causes behind the development of the condition are not known, however, it is considered that the most important contributing factor is age, with most cases recorded in the elderly, while it is rarely found in people under 50 years old. Other risk factors are smoking (with smokers and ex-smokers having a 4.5 and 1.5 times increased risk of developing wet type respectively compared to non-smokers) [5], diet, excessive exposure to sunlight, light eye color, etc.
AMD it is divided into two types, dry and wet age-related degeneration. The first is found in the majority of cases (80% – 85% of all cases) [2,10,13] with the characteristic presence of drusen, while the second is rarer (15% – 20%) [2,10,13] and can have a significant and rapid effect on vision. Evidently, a percentage of 10% – 15% of dry forms develop into wet ones[2].
It is estimated that approximately 196,000,000 people in 2020 had age related macular degeneration while this figure is expected to jump to 288,000,000 by 2040 due to the increase in life expectancy and lifestyle and diet habits [1,2,5,7]. Therefore, as AMD is an irreversible pathology, prevention and regular monitoring are important protective measures. In any case of partial vision loss, the appropriate referral to a low vision specialist contributes significantly to ensuring the best possible support for the person in their daily life.

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