Considering contact lenses for CHILDREN?

Children, teenagers & contact lenses

The need for vision correction affects more than half of the world’s population. It can occur at an early age. Both glasses and contact lenses are an option for children, teenagers and adults who need vision correction.

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Our Children’s Vision

At Our Children’s Vision we want to support every child in obtaining the education they are entitled to and we want to make sure that vision problems do not deny them that right or reduce their quality of life.

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Contact Lenses: control, safe use and proper market for eye health

The Panhellenic Society of Opticians and Optometrists (PSEO), the Association of Opticians and Optometrists of Northern Greece (AOONG) and the Hellenic Academy of Optometry (HAE), aiming at ensuring the general quality of eyesight and optimum eye health of the consumers, they support the realisation of an informative campaign on “I Wear Contact Lenses, I Inform Myself Responsibly”. The purpose of the action is to inform the consuming public, the users or would be users of contact lenses, about their proper purchase and distribution, but also to provide instructions and recommendations on their safe use and care, so as to avoid unpleasant effects on ocular health, or discontinuation of use for reasons which are not related to putting them in or their quality.

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