CircumEye #4


Νοvember 19 & 20, 2022
Peace & Friendship Stadium (S.Ε.F.)
New CircumEye design marks the start of a new era!

“Hello Athens, hello future,” says CircumEye#4 with its brand-new slogan and visual appearance, which has been completely redesigned for the expo’s debut at its new location. The new content, visuals and communication reflect the move, and combine the familiar and traditional trade fair with the fresh direction taken by the leading eyewear business show in its new home on the “Peace & Friendship Stadium”. With new concept that goes far beyond a classic trade show, CircumEye inspires, designs, guides and interconnects the eyewear and future eyewear industry in Greece and East Mediterranean – inviting, engaging, and trendsetting. The new key visual represents this optimistic move into a new age of future eyewear.

The CircumEye’s overall design is changing to accompany the conceptual innovations and moving forward into a new era. We say “Hello Inspiration!”


See you in the most inspiring platform for the eyewear community in Greece and East Mediterranean.
The CircumEye’s overall design is changing to accompany the conceptual innovations and moving forward into a new era. We say “Hello Inspiration!”


At the Peristyle of the Peace and Friendship Stadium in Piraeus (SEF). The Peace and Friendship Stadium (SEF) has a unique easy access ( from all parts of the city!

Floor plan & List of Exhibitors

If you wish to participate as exhibitors at CircumEye#4 please contact Vassilis Goulielmos at +30 6977440377 or at [email protected]
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