Marchon Eyewear, Inc., one of the world’s largest manufacturers and distributors of optical and sun eyewear, and Optostyle I.P. Sicaras & Co. O.E., one of Greece’s leading importers and distributors of optical products, have announced their exclusive partnership for the distribution of Lacoste eyewear. 

The new collaboration concerns the exclusive distribution of Lacoste optical and sun eyewear collections in Greece starting January 2025.
Marchon and Sicaras have been collaborating for over 10 years. Currently, in Greece, Sicaras exclusively distributes Marchon brands such as Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein Jeans, Longchamp, Paul Smith, Nike, and now Lacoste. 

Additionally, Sicaras exclusively distributes in Greece the following brands: Silhouette, Vuarnet (Thelios), Glass of Brixton, Next Occhiali, Nooz Optics, Caroline Abram, and Talla. In the contact lens sector, the company holds the exclusive distribution rights for the Unique family, as well as products from Mark Ennovy, Desio, and Avizor. 

For more information, visit and follow @sicaras_vision. 

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