ANFAO makes first-ever presentation of its Product Sustainability Certification Project
Today, for the first time, ANFAO presented its sustainability certification project, promoted by the Association and for which CERTOTTICA will be the certification body. With the adoption of an environmental qualification label for eyewear products as its goal, the project will enhance its members’ commitment toward improving the supply chain’s environmental performance. The presentation was co–conducted by Studio Fieschi advisors.
With global attention increasingly focused on sustainability, the market is moving toward greater consumer awareness of eco-oriented issues that often also influence their buying choices. According to some surveys, 47% of users feel the eco-sustainability awareness of their favorite fashion brands is a must, while 83% believe that a product’s design should reduce its environmental impact (materials, packaging, manufacturing process, etc.). In addition, 79% of Italian consumers say they – often or sometimes – check the origins of the raw materials used in the products they buy.

The information on the label must be verifiable, accurate, clear, not misleading and easy to read.
For companies that want to be at the forefront, these reflections lead to acknowledging the contingent need to focus their attention on topics of transparency and sustainability.
The ANFAO project is committed to developing a program that will allow the sustainability of individual components, as well as the finished product, to be certified in the field of eyewear, thereby supporting the efforts of its members toward improving the supply chain’s environmental performance through the adoption of a (physical or digital) LABEL.
The certification program will combine conformity to industry standards and regulations with the flexibility of a proprietary program, making it possible to define a supply chain strategy while protecting the identity of each company.
The labels will need to be developed on a scientific basis that calls for compliance with specific criteria – like energy consumption and materials – that require certification by an independent organization: CERTOTTICA.
The information on the label must be verifiable, accurate, clear, not misleading and easy to read.
Furthermore, the labels will contribute to reducing environmental impacts associated with the products: in fact, only those that satisfy specific overall environmental preferability criteria will be identified.

“The project is designed to give a new, competitive tool to all the companies whose operations already implement the concepts of transparency and sustainability. With this label, they can certify that officially and voluntarily,” confirmed ANFAO President Giovanni Vitaloni.