The Panhellenic Society of Opticians and Optometrists (PSEO), the Association of Opticians and Optometrists of Northern Greece (AOONG) and the Hellenic Academy of Optometry (HAE), aiming at ensuring the general quality of eyesight and optimum eye health of the consumers, they support the realisation of an informative campaign on “I Wear Contact Lenses, I Inform Myself Responsibly”. The purpose of the action is to inform the consuming public, the users or would be users of contact lenses, about their proper purchase and distribution, but also to provide instructions and recommendations on their safe use and care, so as to avoid unpleasant effects on ocular health, or discontinuation of use for reasons which are not related to putting them in or their quality.

Within the framework of this campaign and its launch, a Press Conference was held in which the speakers Mr. Ilias Sapounakis – (PSEO), MSc, PhD, Dep. Dr. of Medicine of the Democritus University of Thrace, Vice President of the Hellenic Association of Opticians and Optometers, Ms. Alexandra Apostolidou, President of the Association of Opticians and Optometrists of Northern Greece (AOONG), and Ms. Eugenia Konstantakopoulou (HΑE), MCOptom, Msc, PhD, DipTp (IP), Assistant Secretary of the Hellenic Academy of Optometry, pointed out – among other things – the key features and goals of the campaign, and mentioned what the consumer should know about Contact Lenses. In particular, they referred to the conditions required for the safe use of contact lenses, the contribution their use can make to leading the life the wearer wishes, and their role in the correction of all refractive vision problems (myopia, hypertrophy, etc.) as well as the role of the Contact Lens Prescriber in ascertaining the suitability of the individual as a future user of Contact lenses, as well as clarifying their concept of the “ideal contact lens” for the individual. They emphasised proper use, especially for children, and provided detailed answers to the questions “where, from whom, when and how” the consumer can safely obtain their contact lenses. Finally, they also underlined the importance of compliance with time periods for which contact lenses can be worn and compliance with the instructions of the manufacturers and the Contact Lens Prescriber.